Based in Quinton Rhymes Nursery prides itself on offering a warm and safe nursery environment with highly qualified staff. Rhymes Nursery provides a stimulating environment that promotes individual all-round development for all ages and needs. We believe that children learn through play – a strategy that provides outstanding results. Above all, we seek to be recognised as a leading provider of quality childcare.
Why choose us?
A Long term passionate team
Homely learning environments
Flexible childcare
Competitive rates
A Holistic approach to our families and children
We have a wealth of knowledge to support the varied challenges parents may encounter.

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Our Story
Since opening in 2012 Rhymes Nursery Quinton has forged strong links with the local community. We work alongside many local schools ensuring a smooth transition to Primary school. We regularly take children on outings in the local area including the park, the library, trips to the shop and post office and visits to local schools. We off flexible care to suit all families and funded hours can be used across any of our sessions ensuring good quality childcare is accessible to all. We work with many different agencys to support children and their families who have additional need access the services they need and secure places in suitable education when they leave. We celebrate diversity and actively encourage parents to be involved in their child’s learning. Parent partnerships are extremely important to us and we are hear to help and support in any way we can.

What We Offer
Where are we?
835 Hagley Rd West
B32 1AD
Our Standards
We are Ofsted registered
View our latest Ofsted performance report. Download here.
Our Facilities
Children are accommodated in rooms according to their general age and development. You can see our rooms in the gallery below.
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